
Pitch Shifting a Standard Tuned Guitar Lower (for heavy stuff)

Pitch Shifting a Standard Tuned Guitar Lower (for heavy stuff) the song is called crocodile cause I was thinking of thornhill's reptile when making that intro riff, I know I'm a genius

ANYWAY, I started making this because I wanted to see what a pitch shifted guitar would sound like, there's a section at the end (2:45) which compares the original audio to the pitch shifted versions, from standard to C standard (and the limit really isn't -4 semitones, I tried -8 (which would be G#) and it sounded like my normal guitar with thick strings tuned to G#, I just didn't want the song to be tuned that low so that's why I used -4, I'm sure you could go lower than -8 aswell if you knew how to control guitars that are THAT low)

I also used the pitch shifter for the bass and I'm amazed at how not bad it sounds, like, I don't know how to make a good bass tone cause I'm a guitarist but it certainly sounds like a bass with a bad tone lmao (-16 semitones btw)

I also got to include a trick I learned from dealer's grotesque, if you've heard the song you know there's this weird synthy crazy sound in the main riff, I thought it was a synth atleast, but after watching a few cover I figured out how to do it and I put it in the breakdown of this (skip to 1:50 if you wanna hear it it sounds super cool ngl)

I also think I may have messed the drums up by compressing them in a bad way, I thought the kick drum was far too bassy so I used a multiband comp on it but now the cymbals sound kind of weird, tell me if you notice it or not


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