
Is Morality Limiting Your Success?

Is Morality Limiting Your Success? There's a moral ethical quandary in business that's very interesting, when it comes to earning.

There's some people, perhaps you, who have hit a ceiling in their earnings. Yet you’re very aligned morally; you wish to have ethical business, conscious business. You have great virtues and values. You wish to treat your teams well, you wish to do things in the right way, you wish to do things that are symbiotic with the earth and environmentally conscientious. Inside, you may feel, or “I'm doing well,” or even, “I'm doing great.”

By contrast, I see certain individuals who don't seem to give a damn about the world, who are self-serving, materialistic in some ways (or in a lot of ways), making huge amounts of money, growing businesses, and lacking a moral or ethical backbone. Some of these folks are emanating strong ego, narcissism, even megalomania.

Yet their earnings increase, despite this apparent misalignment.
You might wonder, how come they're so successful, while I am not?
Well, this is what's very interesting. The moral quandary is, are those individuals really successful?

At a soul level, we might want to take a look at what success really means.
We can start to see our attachments to its definition, our imprints of it, and really give it a good assessment. Where did we get our imprints of what does it mean to be successful? What does it mean – to us – to be rich? To be wealthy? To be respected, to be honored, to be appreciated and seen?
In the old wisdom traditions, those who cultivated virtues of wisdom, inner knowing, heart, transcendence, enlightenment, self-realization, self-actualization, benevolence, embrace – they were held in high virtue and esteem. It was understood in these traditions that the ultimate success was to elevate one's consciousness from animalistic drives, and to continuously work on oneself, to purify one’s egoic desires. This process of self-realization helps us transform from being a very “me-oriented” individual to more of a “we-oriented” individual. From here, we are evolving to transcend the “we” and “me”, and feeling only our oneness and unity.
People who aspired to enlightened spaces of being were deeply valued in the world – they were considered the most rich, the most valuable. Their wisdom would touch us just from their mere presence. It was the transmission of their expression, never the quantity of what they said, or the structure of their language patterns. Their wealth was the quality of some beautiful truth that they had touched, that they were sharing.

And that truth only came through experiencing untruth – revealing itself through their life experience, through the process of self-realization.
Let's see if we can do a rearrangement of the success imprints that we have within ourselves, and start to bring forth and enshrine the deepest soul yearning to live with greater wisdom, and truth, and oneness. When we start to do this, then we are able to see the material successes of others from a higher perspective. Whether they’re millionaires, billionaires – whatever cars, whatever toys that they are able to get – we can appreciate them, and not judge them in any way. They have a different idea of success than we do.

At this deeper level of insight, we are able to recognize whether or not someone is joyful, happy. Are they living freedom within their being, or can you intuit tension, pressure, disharmony in the way they're living their life?
So, I'm going to invite and challenge myself, and yourself, my friend. Let’s cultivate honor, value, and virtue, and make wisdom our wealth in a pragmatic, real way.



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