My parents always were wealthy people. Even before I was born. They had their own business, a big house, a cool car, and even housekeepers: several maids, gardeners, and cooks. Why… we even have our own majordomo!
The only thing they missed was the little Princess. And soon she appeared. Yeah, that's right - me. I have always been surrounded by the love of my parents and nannies. And I never felt short of anything. I had a lot of toys, beautiful dresses… They read books to me and bed-time stories.
However, my dad raised me in a strict way and he did not allow nannies to spoil me. Though I could afford much more than other kids, I never abused it.
When the time came, my parents sent me to a private Academy for girls. I quickly made a lot of friends there. After school, we went to the cinema together, shopping, and sometimes just hang out in a café and talked over a cup of coffee.
During one of such hang-outs I met him. His name was Kenneth. We bumped into each other that day, and he dropped the cup of coffee out of his hand. The drink spilled out and spoiled my school dress.
I was very upset looking at those terrible dark spots, but Kenneth immediately offered me a napkin and escorted me to the bathroom. On the way, he asked me whether I was burned, and apologised so sincerely that I couldn't even get mad at him. Then Kenneth offered to accompany me home.
This was not necessary, but my offended soul demanded compensation for the ruined dress. So, after saying goodbye to my gfs, we went home. Kenneth joked all the way. He told me some funny stories, and just tried to cheer me up. Soon, I forgot about my resentment. I thought he was very nice that time.
"You should have seen Kenneth's eyes when we got to my house! He was so surprised he was out of words. When we said goodbye, Kenneth suggested we meet again. I agreed without even thinking.
"That's how we started dating. On our first date, he gave me a bouquet of roses. I was so embarrassed that my ears turned red. After that, we went to the movie theatre, had lunch together at restaurants, and walked in the park.
"All this time, Kenneth was so funny, sweet, and caring! He was always smiling, opening doors for me, holding my hand and making me compliments. It was so romantic for me!
"I was fascinated by his smile and everything he said to me. I thought, this was real love! I even imagined how I would introduce him to my parents, how we would get married, have kids, and live like in a fairy tale. While dreaming, I did not notice how the restaurants changed into eateries, and bouquets of roses into a lonely flower. But it didn't matter to me!
"One day Kenneth came to me in a mean bag. For the first time, he didn't have a single flower for me. He said we can't see each other anymore. He said he didn't have the money to buy me flowers, take me to the cafés, pay for the movies, and anyway, he couldn’t afford dating a girl from a rich family.
But I was with him not because of movies or cafés. And certainly not because of expensive gifts! I loved him, not his wallet. But if the money questioned our relationships, then I was ready to take all the costs on myself. That's what I told him. I remember Kenneth's eyes lit up at that moment. And I was pretty sure it was because we were happy to be together. How foolish I was!
"That evening, for the first time, I paid for a movie and a café. And I was so happy. I regularly gave him some of my own money that my parents gave me for my pocket expenses. I wanted to support him. I believed I was helping him and I felt great.
"But our happiness didn’t last long. Soon Kenneth said his mom was seriously ill and he urgently needed money for an operation. He gave me a sum that was too much even for me.
"I immediately offered him to tell my dad about it but Kenneth protested. He assured me I should never tell my parents about that! Like, he doesn't want to look like a beggar in their eyes at their first meeting. What would they think?
"I realised that Kenneth really cared about our relationship and didn't want to disappoint my family. I immediately agreed with him and promised to help him save the necessary amount.
"I started thinking where to get the money. The first thing I did was selling all my jewelry. But that wasn't enough. I started taking Antiques out of the house and selling them as well. I was very afraid my parents would find out they were missing, but I kept doing it. I even dragged money out of my mother's purse several times!
"Meanwhile, I saw Kenneth less and less. He excused it with the job. But he didn’t say what it was exactly. And I kept believing and getting money for him.