Hallow's End in Classic WoW And Why You Should Care Hello guys.
In this video, we will be taking a look at the Hallow's End seasonal event in Classic World of Warcraft. It is similar to the version of the event from the later expansions, but there are some differences.
I will be highlighting all of the cool stuff so you know what to look for when Halloween arrives in Azeroth and attempt to spread some holiday vibes while doing it.
Personally, I really enjoy the seasonal events especially the Hallow's End which is my favorite but also the Feast of Winter Veil. I hope you are ready for some trick and treat and will enjoy the video!

Link to the video of the burning of the Wickerman by ShamaticWoW:

Classic WoW Hallow's End,Classic World of Warcraft Hallow's End,Classic WoW,Classic World of Warcraft,Classic WoW Seasonal Event,Classic World of Warcraft Seasonal Event,Classic WoW Holiday,Classic World of Warcraft Holiday,Classic WoW Halloween,Classic World of Warcraft Halloween,Classic WoW Holidays,Classic World of Warcraft Holidays,Classic WoW Holiday Event,Classic World of Warcraft Holiday Event,Hallow's End,Classic Hallow's End,Vanilla WoW Hallow's End,