Randy Stair (The WCT channel) - series playlist....
Surviving Life Channel
Ghost adventures of Cornwall
(Mark Davies - NOT SMITH)
Paranormal Fake
Paranormal X (PXTV)
...Support/Donate/Help/Tip to help keep our home!!
[If you are new here and feel we have saved you $4000 from spending on a useless decorated guitar amp and educated you on what real ITC ACTUALLY consists of, and wish to show your appreciation - you can tip below, this is very helpful at present as we are struggling - however Mrs Magnitude has bagged herself a job to add to mine - all we have to do is make it too the first payday which is way ahead on September 10th - that would be extremely helpful, we are so close to stability!]
Email (Colab/contact/business/etc)
[Me or Mrs Magnitude - use us as a sounding board, you give us so much so we want to give back via this....
PLEASE NOTE - I do NOT read ANY emails that are for Mrs Magnitude so any personal things you wish to get off your soul, be safe in that knowledge....
Follow/ Community -
Sadly G+ is dead... this means my personal page is gone and so has my community - Truthseekers-exige which has moved platform...
- its the end of an era where so many strong bonds were formed and still are - the new platform feels a little alienated.
i have downloaded discord but not got around to setting it all up due to IRL events going on that are stressing us out. but i will soon... promise.
however here is the link to the MEWE Truthseekers-exige reloaded community platform....
Order Of Magnitude Fan Page (on Fakebook!)
[Well what the hell happened? Everybody knows Order Of Magnitude detests fakebook!!! - is this the mandela effect? Are we in a different dimension?
Well not exactly - you won't find me there personally as its a fan page ran by one of my moderators from my original community... So feel free to communicate what an asshat I am because i will probably never see it lol.]
[Thank you very much for your pledges. You have no idea how this token amount really helps out. I am astounded for not demanding patrean exclusives so nobody misses out! Drop out and drop in as you please, no notices needed ~ Forever greatful for the support that keeps the magnitude household afloat in these what feels like eternally stormy seas!]
Special Thanx to Patre-Firts
(Roll-Call in no particular 'Order')
Laura Pearse
Jacky Morris
Liz Hall
PoppaNana Paranormal aka jim pickens too
Candace Cochrane
Candace Boulin
Chris Lambardi-Garnett
Kevin Morris
Lauren Anne Gealy
Rheeanna Spirit weaver
Lora Stock
Bumble bee
The High Priestess studio
jill winant