
How Do Meditators Prevent Greed and Hatred From Arising In Their Minds

How Do Meditators Prevent Greed and Hatred From Arising In Their Minds Ashin Sarana explains how meditation can help anyone on their quest for purity of mind, freedom from all mental defilement.

Filmed by Ko Zaw Myo Aung on the 12th of July, 2019, in Thabarwa Yeikthar, Thanlyin, Myanmar. Subtitles prepared Ko Aung Thu Lin.

May all beings be happy and healthy.

Buddhism,dosa,lobha,moha,kilesa,greed,hatred,lust,ill-will,sensual desire,delusion,ignorance,avijja,Buddhist psychology,psychology,Gotama Buddha,Theravada Buddhism,arahant,sotapanna,sakadagami,anagami,Enlightenment,nibbana,Nirvana,stream-enterer,enlightenment meditation,

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