
2016 Loser Hillary Clinton: 'Joe Biden is building the kind of coalition that I had''

2016 Loser Hillary Clinton: 'Joe Biden is building the kind of coalition that I had'' Earlier today on CNN with Fareed Zakaria, Hillary Clinton was critiquing Bernie Sanders and praising Joe Biden, saying the latter was building the same sort of diverse and energetic coalition she build in 2016. But as we remember, Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump because her coalition failed to energize voters like Barack Obama did, and she lost close states in the industrial mid-west.

Bernie Sanders is the only Democratic candidate who can build the multiracial working class coalition to defeat Donald Trump and control the House and Senate. Biden in 2020 will lose just like Clinton did in 2016.

#Bernie2020 #WhereIsJoe #HidingBiden

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For Christo Aivalis:

Hillary clinton joe biden,hillary clinton biden,Hillary clinton cnn interview,fareed zakaria hillary clinton,CLinton cnn inteview,clinton cnn interview,Hillary Clinton joe biden 2020,hillary clinton,Joe Biden,Hillary clinton lost,joe biden will lose 2020,joe biden will lose,Bernie Sanders joe Biden,bernie sanders joe biden 2020,Hillary CLinton Bernie Sanders 2020,hillary clinton bernie sanders,Hillary clinton Bernie,Hillary clinton Biden,

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