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Jasmine really loved Tod, but they couldn't spend enough time together. Tod always had some very important things to do...And then Jasmine met George. He was nice and handsome, so...
Hey guys, I’m Jasmine and do I have a story to share with you. I know from the title, most of you probably already hate my guts. And that’s ok. I know what I did wasn’t right. I just have to share my story, partly to make myself feel better (not gonna lie about that part) and also to give you guys some advice. Here it is: Pretty much do exactly the opposite of what I did. That said, please don’t leave me a bunch of hate comments! I KNOW I was in the wrong, and this was all a few years ago. Ancient history. So, to tell you this story, I need to rewind to my senior year of high school…
My boyfriend, Tod, was basically Superman. I’m not kidding. Superman, minus the tights. Tod could do everything. He was a star athlete at two sports (football and track), he was an awesome singer, always killing it in the choir, and on top of that, he volunteered all the time at the old folks home by our school. I tried not to be jealous, but sometimes I envied his “super powers.” I couldn’t sing at all. I played volleyball but wasn’t any good. And somehow my homework always managed to take up enough of my life that I couldn’t imagine volunteering on top of it. When I asked him how he managed it, he just shrugged. To him, it seemed easy, and he couldn’t understand why everyone else didn’t just start being productive and successful like him. So easy, right?
You might be wondering a couple things. One, did Tod ever sleep, and, two, how did he manage to make time for a girlfriend on top of all of that? The first answer, infuriatingly, is yes, he made sure to get his eight hours. Tod was even awesome at SLEEPING – he was out like a light when his head hit the pillow, and he woke up at 6am full of sunshine. As for the second question: having a girlfriend was one thing Tod wasn’t very good at. He always MADE plans with me, that’s for sure. He would ask me out for coffee, or invite me to go shopping at the mall… but then, like an hour beforehand, once I had already done my makeup and gotten ready to go, he would ALWAYS text. “Sorry, something came up at the rest home” or “Sorry, something came up at track practice.” He was always nice about it, and it was something different every time, but one thing never changed: something would come up and it was more important to him than I was. Sometimes, against all odds, we’d actually get to go on a date and it would be magical. Every second I spent basking in Tod’s attention made me feel like I was a princess, but then I’d get home and sit in the dark and wonder when I’d get to feel that way again.
So, that was my relationship. It was my senior year of high school! I should have been happy and thriving, but instead, I always felt… sad. I spent so much time glued to my phone, hoping that Tod would text me or Snapchat me. I guess I felt neglected, even though it sounds stupid. I couldn’t talk to anyone about how I felt, because everyone had basically joined the Tod is Amazing Club. I mean, Tod was amazing, obviously. He was the most popular guy in school and everyone was shocked that he liked me, even though they tried to hide it. I didn’t want to tell any of them, not even my friends, that the relationship made me sad. I didn’t know if they just flat out wouldn’t believe me, or worse, if they’d take Tod’s side and I would become a social outcast. So I just kept my mouth shut. I didn’t even journal about it. I’m not sure why, I think I felt embarrassed. Like a part of me felt like if I was better in some way… Prettier, funnier, more successful, I don't know… Then I’d be more worthy of my boyfriend’s time. I know that’s an unhealthy way of thinking, but it’s how I felt.
This all went on for months. Yeah, yeah, I know I should have broken up with him. No one deserves to be treated like an afterthought, and people as busy as Tod shouldn’t have to worry about holding down a relationship at the age of 18. It was clearly too much work for him to bother. Maybe you’re wondering why I didn’t just break up with him. It’s simple: I really, really, really liked him. I’d had a crush on Tod for years before he asked me out, and I didn’t want to close the book on the fairy-tale I was chasing just to be lonely and single again. Also, Tod was so insanely popular that I thought people would probably hate me for breaking his heart and you know the drill: social outcast. Back then, I was way too concerned about what people thought of me. Classic insecure teenager.