Have you ever been asked the question of ‘are you ok?’ Upon being asked this question did you feel a high level of sensitivity? I know I did. And I tried to do all I could to please others in order to not look anxious. This kind of repeated response can make us feel like there’s something wrong with us when in fact we’re just human.
In day 7 of 29 days of the anxiety guy I want to share ways to eliminate the pattern of people pleasing. The inferiority that many anxiety sufferers feel each and everyday is real. This people pleasing habit must be replaced with personal understanding, as well as an opportunity to provide others lessons around why they ask the question of ‘are you ok?’
In time this question shouldn’t affect you one bit. It should bounce right off you as you re-focus your attention on flexibility in how you see yourself. I want you to release the guilt connected to other peoples statements and questions, and take one more giant step towards becoming more than anxiety today.
#peoplepleasing #peoplepleasersyndrome #anxietyguyhelp
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