
ELM Reminders | Shaykh Sajid Umar | From Growing To Knowing Is Our Mandate!

ELM Reminders | Shaykh Sajid Umar | From Growing To Knowing Is Our Mandate! The East London Mosque was pleased to host Shaykh Sajid Umar for an event on the topic of 'The Happy Muslim Family' on Friday 3rd January 2020.

"my message to those point fingers is never forget these three fingers are pointing back at you! - what have you done to raise a son that will be a model husband, so his marriage isn't the problem for the Imam tomorrow? What have you done to raise a model daughter, so that her marriage isn't a problem for Imam tomorrow? so that the children are raised in a way that are a solution for society and not a problem. So that the children are an opportunity and not an obstacle for society. Its always three fingers pointing back right?" - Shaykh Sajid Umar 2020.


The achievements of the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre, incorporating the Maryam Centre, have surpassed all expectations. Over 1.7 million people pass through our doors each year, as we contribute to society through education, support services, interfaith dialogue, and social enterprise. This has been by the Grace of Allah, Who has blessed us with your generous support.

The Mosque now has to repay the Qard Hasanah (interest free loans) that were used to complete the Maryam Centre and purchase the Synagogue building, whilst we maintain the regular upkeep of the busy Mosque complex. Please continue to donate, and encourage your family and friends as well.

“Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.” {Qur’an, 3:92}

Text: ELMT18 to 70032 to donate £10

east london mosque,tafsir,tafseer,khutbah,meadows,jummah,friday khutbah,

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