
At the Edge of a War, U.S. and Iran Appear to Step Back Analysis: Middle East Institute Randa Slim

At the Edge of a War, U.S. and Iran Appear to Step Back Analysis: Middle East Institute Randa Slim 군사반격 대신 경제제재 택한 트럼프…양측 '최악 시나리오' 피할 절충점서 타협 여지: 미 중동문제연구소 전문가

After storming to the edge of a cliff this week, early indications suggest that the United States and Iran apparently have decided they do not want to jump, at least not yet.
Let's seek an in-depth analysis of the situation and try to read between the lines of President Trump's speech just hours ago.
Joining me live from Washington, D.C. is Randa Slim, senior fellow at the Washington-based Middle East Institute. Randa, welcome to the program.
Now, the big question after Iran's missile attack on Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops was whether the Mr. Trump would view the Iranian response to U.S. take out of Soleimani as a reason to escalate the situation or to look for an exit ramp. It appears he chose the latter.
What are you reading into President Trump's statement on Iran? What are some of the most noteworthy takeaways?
For all of the public chest-thumping in the last week, both sides appeared to be taking measures to de-escalate. But, what can we expect from the Iranian side? Could we expect Iran to continue attacks?
I mean, we cannot confirm whether there is any correlation, but we are getting reports that two rockets just crashed into the Iraqi capital's Green Zone, the high-security enclave where foreign embassies including the US mission are based.
What is Iraq's stance in all this? The U.S. drone killing of Iranian general Soleimani was carried out on Iraqi territory, Iran's missile attacks targeted Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops. We know Iraq had been voting for a withdrawal of U.S. troops from its land.
How do you forecast the situation to unfold on the U.S.-Middle East relations in the coming weeks and months?

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