
This is How I Learned the Neck (3 LEVELS - WORKS EVERY TIME!)

This is How I Learned the Neck (3 LEVELS - WORKS EVERY TIME!) If you have a hard time understanding the layout of notes and patterns on the guitar neck, then you are definitely going to want to try this. These ideas are a collection of what I was first taught about how the notes work on guitar and layout across the neck. It was my first exposure to neck training when I was initially learning guitar.

All this takes is just a few minutes each day and you will begin to get in your routine down. The examples will go a long way in helping you reach up to a whole new level of neck awareness. Plus you'll get your fingers to be able to respond much better to all of the notes on the neck.

This training routine has to do with building a better mind muscle connection with where all of the notes are on the guitar fingerboard. It works by taking your fret-board knowledge through the components of; phrase re-location, multi-location music reading comprehension, and single tone tracking capability all over the guitar.

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