
Our TPLO Surgery Experience - Not Very Good - You Might Want to Consider Other Alternatives

Our TPLO Surgery Experience  - Not Very Good - You Might Want to Consider Other Alternatives I am not a veterinarian but our 6 year old labrador retriever tore her Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) and after doing much research which seemed to indicate a Tibial-Plateau-Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) was the Gold Standard for dogs over 40 lbs, we opted to have that surgery and have regretted it ever since. This details our experience which has been disappointing.

Some things I thought of after making this video:

1. When she had the plate removed, the vet looked for problems (including a meniscus tear) and couldn't find anything wrong. She was rolling out with that leg prior and after having the plate removed. I doubt she has a torn meniscus.

2. The first few times she came up badly lame, we rushed her to our local vet and each time he did x-rays and saw nothing wrong although the joint is very arthritic now.

TPLO,Cranial Cruciate Ligament,Tibial-Plateau-Leveling Osteotomy,CCL,torn,meniscus,

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