
Let‘s Make Cars Better | Sono Motors

Let‘s Make Cars Better | Sono Motors Honestly, we don't need another car. But what if we rethink cars as we know them?

This is our first commercial spot. You can watch it in selected cinemas in Bavaria until the end of December.

More than a car:


We need to stop wasting our planet’s resources. CO₂ emissions must be reduced. We are taking matters into our own hands by making clean mobility affordable for everyone. For you. For generations to come.


The Sion is the first series-produced car that can additionally charge its battery using solar power. A car charging itself – a Solar Electric Vehicle.

Thanks to 248 solar cells seamlessly integrated into the body, the Sion can charge its battery during the day through the power of the sun and can generate up to 34 kilometers of additional range per day. With a range of 255 kilometers according to WLTP standard, you can also cover longer distances trouble-free. For effortless mobility.


You can pre-order the Sion here:


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