
What Would Be The Consequences If A Planet Disappeared From The Solar System?

What Would Be The Consequences If A Planet Disappeared From The Solar System? The solar system as we know it right now is one that is finely tuned and has worked the same way for billions of year, but what would happen if one of the planets...disappeared? Join me as we explore that possibility.
10. Is it even possible for that to happen?
So let's get the elephant out of the room, shall we? Is it even possible for a planet of our solar system to just...disappear?
9. It Depends On Which Planet Goes Away
This particular point shouldn't be too much of a surprise to you. But if we're looking for major effects on the solar system should one of the planets randomly and suddenly disappear, we would need to think about which planet is disappearing in the first place. If we take a look at our solar system (from Mercury to Pluto in this instance...yes, I know Pluto isn't technically a planet anymore...
8. If Mercury Was Lost, Then...?
So it's only appropriate that we start with the first planet in the solar system, Mercury. This is one that is the closest to the sun, and because of that its "days" are mere hours due to the orbit it has around the sun. It's also one of the hottest places to be in the entire solar system because of the fact that it's almost literally right next to the sun. Trust me, if you think the sun looks big on Earth, just wait until you see it on Mercury.
7. If Venus Was Lost, Then...?
Ah, Venus, Earth's "twin" as many astronomers like to say, and a planet that we have a very deep fascination with for various reasons. But let's ask the question that we're here to answer, what would happen if that planet were to disappear? *snap* Oh, I'm sorry, I snapped my finger and it's gone, that's weird. But would you look at that? The planet honestly didn't cause too much of a ripple throughout the galaxy. With one exception of course...
6. If Mars Was Lost, Then...?
Mad I skipped Earth? Don't be, I'll get to it, but it's kind of obvious what would be bad about Earth vanishing, but what about the rest of the non-life planets? What would happen if Mars vanished? Did you see that? I blinked and Mars was gone! Weird.
Believe it or not though, Mars suddenly vanishing wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. It's smaller than Earth, so we don't have to worry about negative gravity effects, so there's that. But the ironic thing though is that Mars position in regard to both Earth and Jupiter honestly helps spur on an event that puts the Earth in danger...asteroid slinging. You see, there is a massive asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, I'm sure you know this.
5. Jupiter
Oh yeah, this is the big one, quite literally actually. Jupiter as noted is the biggest planet in our solar system, so it goes to reason that if something were to happen to it...say...random implosion? Yeah, let's go with that. If Jupiter were to implode and be gone, it would have a big impact on things, and that's very, very true.
Remember that asteroid belt I mentioned?
4. Saturn
Given that Saturn is the second-biggest planet in the solar system you'll likely expect it to have a big impact on the solar system if it vanished. Which would be true..and false. It would be more accurate to say that it would have a bigger impact on the immediate area than the solar system at large. Pun intended.
You see, if Saturn were to get a "ring out"...get it? Ring...out
3. Uranus
Uranus is by and large the weirdest planet in our solar system (unless you count Earth, which I'll leave you to your own opinions on that one...), as it's a planet that is literally on its side. It's the 3rd largest planet in the solar system, and that means it does have effects on things...within a certain distance of course. For example, if it were to keep getting tilted until it flew out of the galaxy, it would have a big impact on Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune (it's twin). But as for the first four planets? Not so much.
This again is a question of size and distance. While its size allows for a lot of gravity in the immediate area, the distance from it to the inner circle of planets is too much to cause an issue.
2. Neptune and Pluto
As for Neptune and Pluto, if they were to disappear there would honestly be a lot of the same things going on as with Uranus and Saturn. A lot of local issues, but not a lot of solar system issues. That being said, if Neptune were to disappear, Pluto would be in serious trouble. You see, just out of reach from Pluto, and in the gravitational pull of Neptune is an asteroid belt. It encompasses the entire solar system and it's a dangerous place to go through. If Neptune were to vanish, the rocks and ice that are there would be able to move wildly and freely. Thus, it could crash into poor Pluto, and wipe it out entirely.
1. Earth
Ah, I saved the best for last, mainly because if we're being honest here, the Earth is the absolute LAST place we want to vanish from the solar system. Mainly because we're on it! And us going "away" would be bad very bad even.

what if a planet disappeared,solar system,what would,planet,what would be the consequences,what would happen,planets,what if,planet disappeared,what if scenario,consequences,earth,disappear,science,solar,asteroid belt,what would happen if,astronomy,sun,disappeared,universe,what happens if,jupiter,space,mars,venus,neptune,mercury,uranus,pluto,saturn,planet earth,end of the world,insane curiosity,solar system planets,the solar system,orbit,how the universe works,

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