
To Be Continued

To Be Continued I do NOT own the rights to this song.
Music by Robyn, "Dancing on my Own"

I am currently working my way through the book "The Artist's Way," and one of it's weekly challenges is to have an artist's date with yourself. This past week I was inspired to cut together some of my auditions to this song when one of my favorite human's in the world, Jono Mitchell sent it to me. I have heard this song a thousand times, and have probably played it in my cycling class a hundred. However, I have never thought of it in the way that he compared it to auditioning.

As actors, it is our job to audition, and I love it. However, it comes with it's share of disappointment. How could we not feel that way? We spend money, time, emotions on these auditions over and over again, and see other actors book them(not that they shouldn't.) I'm exhausted. I LOVE acting, but I am truly exhausted.

I am incredibly grateful for all of my friends that continue to remind me to enjoy the ride, and to look at all of the phenomenal things I have accomplished, instead of focusing on what I have yet to. Your encouragement means the entire world to me, and I will never forget it. I am thankful for my team at Houghton for taking a chance on an unknown kid. Thank you to Mornell Studios for kicking my ace every week because you believe in me. Last, but certainly not least, my parents who have never asked me to consider pursing anything other than my dreams.

Cheers to the best pals in the world. Cheers to the dreamers that are brave enough to pursue something that isn't promised to them. Cheers to the people that encourage those crazies.

Jesus Loves you, He Loves me, and He's got our weirdo dreamer souls.


Actor,ATL Actor,LA Actor,Dreamer,Women in Film,ATL Film,ATL TV,Yallywood,Original Content,Robyn,

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