
Pick a card: How Are They Able To Ghost You? *timeless*

Pick a card: How Are They Able To Ghost You? *timeless* #pickacard: How Are They Able To Ghost You?
pile #1/ribbon: 1:15
pile #2/flag: 9:49
pile #3/flower: 18:20

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I am an Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, Clairsentient, Prophet, Light Worker, remote Viewer and card Reader. I specialize in Tarot readings used in combination with my natural-born abilities and messages from my spirit Guides to provide high-quality service. My gifts are best utilized if channeled through the cards. My readings are done in a direct approach, no sugarcoating. My consultations are accurate on love, romance and relationships, family, money, career and finance. As your Advisor, I can divine future events, save you from heartache, and help you avoid downfalls. Let me assist you on your spiritual journey.

*more about me:

if for some reason facebook isn't working.. book a reading via email: (ONLY IF FACEBOOK ISN'T WORKING)

All content contained in my videos, both personal and general, are entirely my personal knowledge, experience and opinion and are intended for personal development purposes only. These videos and information are not to be taken as medical advice but as spiritual information. I am not, and do not claim to be a medical doctor, therapist or licensed mental health professional. If you have a health problem, please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional. Any information received here should not be used in place of professional medical and/or psychological treatment. You alone are responsible for any of your choices, your decisions and your actions in life. Any use of information included in any of my videos is to be followed at your own risk and know that you are responsible for what you do with the information you choose to receive from this video or any of my material. All content is for entertainment purposes only and those under the age of 18 should not use this site except with adult supervision.

#lovetarot #whydidtheyghostyou #whyaretheyquite #nocontact


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