
Topic 09: Talking about hobbies and pastimes - Day 22 - Startup Home English Club

Topic 09: Talking about hobbies and pastimes - Day 22 - Startup Home English Club Hi guys, it's me here. I'm back after along time with a new topic is Talking about hobbies and pastimes. And now is the main question " Which activities do you think we should encourage young people to do in their free time? Why". That's kind of interesting question, right?
I think, all we need to do in our freetime is reading books, doing charity, spending time with family. To help you deeper understanding my opinions I'll give you some reasons
The first one is reading books. As you know, reading books can help us gain a lot of benefits. For instance, you wanna learn some new languages and some skills but you don't have enough money to figure out some centers or courses to take part in. I think reading books is a good way for you coz you just need to spend a part of your money to buy some books and with 30 minutes to 1 hour per day you can gain all of them. Just through that books.
The second one is doing charity. You can easily see in our society, there are a lot of people they don't have house or any places to stay or take a rest, some people they don't have money to buy food or even buy clothes to wear. And you can see, nowaday has a lot of diseases and many people also get diseases like that. But the problem here is they are too poor and they don't able to pay for hospital fee or buy medicine to cure themselves or their family. So you can see, they're really miserable, right? We are a person who maybe don't have much money but we have health, so we should give them a hand to help them feel better. It also helps us feel happier and also supports to our job after graduating at university.
The last one is spending time with family. I know, you're student at some universities in HN, you come from other places and that's far from here, you go to HN to study, live so of course you need to live far from your family. The problem here is you don't have enough time to come back home and visit them. So, when you have freetime, I mean some day offs, you should come back home , meet your parents and share with them about your life in HN or some problems that you have to deal with. I think it's also an amazing way to help your family be more closed.
That's my points about this question, thank you so much for your listening and see ya!


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