
V.V. Vinayak Emotional Speech On Telugu Cinema Still Photographers | World Photography | Mirror TV

V.V. Vinayak Emotional Speech On Telugu Cinema Still Photographers | World Photography | Mirror TV V.V. Vinayak Emotional Speech On Telugu Cinema Still Photographers

The first announcement of a photograph was made on the 19th of August, 1939 in France. The prelude to this announcement was that on January 9, 1839, where the French Academy of Sciences proclaimed the Daguerreotype process.
Later, on the 19th of August of the very same year, the French government procured the patent and Francois Arago, the 25th Prime Minister of France gave a presentation to the French Academie des Science and Academie des Beaux Arts, which described the process of photography. Arago discussed its evaluation, and fathomed its brilliant future and proffered its free use to the world hence calling it as “Gift that was free to the world”.
On, August 19, 2010 the very first global online gallery was hosted. The day was historic because even though it was the first online gallery ever hosted yet the day witnessed 270 photographers sharing their ideas through the means of photographs and people from over 100 countries visited the website.
The Indian International Photographic Council, New Delhi under the guidance of its founder, Mr. O.P. Sharma reached out to various photographic luminaries to set a day to celebrate photography annually. The response was positive and the proposal was accepted in various countries. Since then, 19th of August is observed as World Photography Day all through the world.

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