I've been reading cards and angel numbers for many years for family, friends and friends of friends both near and far and my very own clients and truly believe I've been put on this earth by the Divine, to guide the universe's souls in to light. My method is by calling upon the Divine, The Moon and The Ascended and using their light and direction to reiterate what is needed to the 3D world from the 5D world.
I came in to this by Divine right - God proved He had a purpose for me when He saved me from death and has guided me ever since. It is now time for me to guide those who need the light.
(Disclaimer: Not all public readings will resonate with each and every one of you so bear in mind to take out of each reading what does touch your light and soul. Readings are here as a guide only and should not replace any professional legal or medical advice.)
**Donations are very much appreciated and help with keeping this channel going! Please feel free to donate what you feel is worthy at 'The Energy Exchange' because giving good is receiving good and every little bit helps!**
I also provide private readings if you wish to inquire, please reach me at gildedmoonangel@gmail.com
Prices start at (as stated below)
30 min reading (two questions + Angel question) $40 AUD ($27USD)
60 min reading (up to five questions + Angel question + Angel Number) $60 AUD ($41 USD)
Payment can be made via PayPal using this link:
**Once payment has been made, please send me a screenshot as proof of purchase and an email with your questions in terms of reading theme and I will endeavor to get your reading underway as soon as possible!
I do not offer refunds of any kind for readings and readings are done at a first come, first serve basis. I will supply you with due date and on or before that date, a private viewing link will be sent to you to the address provided by you at the beginning of purchase.**
Angel answers will be included in both sets of readings as guidance to your queries.
Angel Numbers included in 60 min reading.
Blessings and light to you all,