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- Professional Infographic Resume Service:
Could your resume use a little visual appeal to attract recruiters and hiring managers? If so, an infographic resume is sure to capture their attention, tell your story, and show them why you’re different from everybody else! In this tutorial, I’m going to show how you can quickly make an impressive infographic resume with Easelly Pro!
Before you get started on your infographic resume, it's ideal that you have an updated traditional resume ready to work from so that you can easily copy and paste text. This will save you a lot of time when designing.
You also want to remember that you still need to have a traditional resume ready to go for online applications that need to be submitted in traditional formats. Keep in mind that Infographic resumes shouldn’t replace your traditional resume. They should supplement your job search by having a more creative and visual resume alternative that shows off your unique personality, creativity, and originality to potential employers!
If you’re using Easelly PRO, you can select “Resume” from the Template categories list and you’ll see Artistic, Modern and Traditional styles to choose from. So you’ll want to think about potential employers as your audience and the style that works best for the industry you’re in, and the job role you seek. We recommend using a professionally designed template that you can edit and customize with your information and style, but you can also start from scratch if you’d like. Once you find a template you’d like to work with, just click and drag your template onto the canvas.
Now it’s time to make it your own! Here are 6 main things you can do to customize a resume template and I’ll feature different infographic resume styles along the way!
- To change the background color:
Click on the background button and change the color of your background.
You can choose from the color gradient, enter a color code or use the eyedrop tool to match a color on the template.
- To edit, add or delete text:
Double click on the text box and edit your text.
You can then Go to the EDIT menu for all the customization options for your text.
To add text, click on the Text button and drag the type of text you would like to add to your canvas.
To delete text, click on the text and hit DELETE or click on the TRASH Button from the edit menu.
- To edit, add or delete icons and graphics:
Click on the object and drag the corners to enlarge or shrink it down.
Grab the handle on the object to rotate an object.
Grab the sides of an object to flip an image.
Go to the EDIT Menu for all the customization options for your icon or graphic such as changing the color or the opacity. Keep in mind that customization options will vary depending on the type of graphic, icon, or image being used.
To add icons and graphics, click on the “Objects” button, and do a search for the type of icon you’re looking for. For example, do a search for “Education” to find an icon appropriate for your resume that represents Education.
To delete, click on the object and hit DELETE or click on the TRASH Button from the edit menu.
- To upload your own images:
Click on the Media button and select Upload files.
Click on Choose File and select the image you would like to upload.
Once your image is uploaded, drag and drop your image onto your resume to work with.
- To add a Photo:
Click on the Media button and search across the Unsplash Photo library for an image that suits your needs. I’m going to do a search for “Business”. Once you find a photo you’d like to work with, just drag the image onto the template to work with. A photo works great for headers on an infographic resume!
- To add a Pictograph or Pictogram that showcases the level of your skills:
Click on the Pictogram button from the menu bar.
Click on many Icons and do a search for the type of icon you want to represent the level of your skills. I’m going to do a search for a circle and I’m going to drag it onto my canvas.
Select the number of rows and columns you need and change the colors to match your design. Then fill the pictogram to represent the level of your skills!
Copy and paste the pictogram as many times as you need for each skill that you’ve listed and make adjustments accordingly!
Once you’ve completed your infographic resume, simply download a copy for easy sharing!
Now that you know how to quickly make an impressive infographic resume, it’s time to get started on yours! Pull out your resume and let your personality come through!
And if you’re ready to create an infographic resume, but don’t have the time or want a professional to design it for you, we can help!