
Biofeedback to Overcome Test Anxiety for College Students

Biofeedback to Overcome Test Anxiety for College Students Learn how to use Alive Biofeedback to Overcome Test Anxiety for College Students. Test Anxiety can be a 10-18 percent advantage or disadvantage. Relaxation, Stress Relief, Focus, Stress Resilience, Concentration and Text Anxiety Control come easily with biofeedback practice. Simple Alive Biofeedback games increase student success. Biofeedback is fun, relaxing, easy, inexpensive and is a huge factor in success for college students. With a cost of a few hundred dollars vs $10,000+ tuition per year and dropout rates of 10-35%, the ROI is unparalleled. Considering that college graduates are projected to earn ~ $1 Million more than college dropouts, this could be the biggest investment an incoming college student will ever make.

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