
Why protect a trademark?

Why protect a trademark? Registering a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office gives you national protection.
Benefits to federally registering a mark include:
• Nationwide priority rights from the date the application is filed;
• Constructive notice nationwide of the trademark owner's claim of ownership;
• Presumptive evidence of the validity of the registration and ownership of the mark, and of the owner's exclusive right to use the mark on or in connection with the goods or services set forth in the registration; and
• Federal jurisdiction over claims of infringement, counterfeiting, and other unfair competition claims.

Call now I will help you prevent common legal mistakes made by individuals trying to file a trademark application on their own.

I will personally provide legal guidance on how you CAN get your Trademark filed correctly and cost effectively the first time.

More than just filling out a form, I answer your questions through every step of the process. This means working with you on preparing labels and what is proper use of a trademark on the mark on a product or website.

There many reasons the examiner will reject an application for trademark registration. It is important to avoid mistakes at the application stage.

Many trademark applications are rejected for simple errors. The trademark office does not allow making material changes after the application is filed. And there are no refunds, so it is important to get it right the first time.

Consequences of filing an application with errors could be devastating. Loss of trademark rights to another will allow other to use your mark or even worse stop you from using the mark.

Registering your Trademark with me is easy, my questionnaire is short and simple and you never have to worry about hidden fees.

Let’s get started because good ideas are worth protecting.

You will always be able to talk directly to me at (800) 866-0039.

Free 15 minute Consultations: 1 (800) 866-0039
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