
Taking your phone to the loo could spread coronavirus - especially if you flush - Live News 24

Taking your phone to the loo could spread coronavirus - especially if you flush  - Live News 24 Thanks for watching my video.
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Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use ( TAKING your phone to the loo could increase your chances of getting coronavirus by transferring old bacteria back onto your hands, experts have said.  COVID-19 can also be spread by flushing the loo, which sprays infected particles into the air and onto nearby surfaces. ⚠️ Read our coronavirus live blog for the latest news & updates  Phones could be a breeding ground for the coronavirus, experts have warned, because they will transfer bacteria back onto your hands after you wash them.  Picking up your phone after going to the toilet will transfer the same bacteria as before back onto your hands.  Professor William Keevil, director of the Environmental Healthcare Unit at the University of Southampton, said: “You could be washing your hands, but if you start touching your smartphone and then touch your face that is a potential route of infection.”  Mobile phones are proven to harbour dangerous bacteria and viruses, making them a likely point of contamination.  Dr Perpetua Emeagi, a lecturer in Human Biology at Liverpool Hope Univeristy, has said that there are up to 17,000 strains of bacteria on the average phone, which is ten times more than the average loo seat.  Public Health England have said that washing your hands is the best way to contain the spread of coronavirus.  The virus is spreading rapidly through the UK, with 163 cases and two deaths currently confirmed.  It’s an airborne virus, and is spread in a similar way to colds and the flu.  This means that anyone who is infected can pass it on through contact with surfaces, or by coughing, sneezing or even breathing.  COVID-19 has killed more than 3,400 people to date and infected at least 100,000 others. FLUSHING SPREADS  Flushing the loo could also increase your chances of getting the virus, because it sprays small particles into the air that could be carrying it.  Dr Emeagi, who teaches vaccine development, told Metro: “It’s not just a case of what you’re transmitting from your hands to the phone. You also have to consider the effects of toilet flushing.  “When you flush the toilet, you release aerosol particles, which could be viruses or bacteria.  “Recent reports have suggested that COVID-19 can be spread through faeces. And so aerosolised particles of poo are a genuine risk when it comes to the spread of coronavirus.”  To stop the virus spreading, people should simply close the lid before flushing.  Dr Emeagi added: “When I took my driving test, my instructor said I should imagine that every other driver on the road is insane and that I am the only sane driver and I should drive properly.  “And you should adopt this outlook when it comes to coronavirus. Don’t assume that everyone else is washing their hands, or disinfecting surfaces.  “Take actions i

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