
Beginner #22 French verbs To appear To look alike To seem To display To show Apparaître with phrases

Beginner #22 French verbs To appear To look alike To seem To display To show Apparaître with phrases Learn how to use French verbs to translate to appear, to look alike, to present, to be displayed and to seem my friend.

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Je ressemble à ma soeur.
I look like my sister.

Tu sembles fâché.
You seem upset.

Le soleil apparaît à l'horizon.
The sun appears on the horizon.

Nous ressemblons à des clowns avec ces habits.
We look like clowns with these clothes.

Vous présenterez le nouveau projet pendant la réunion.
You will present the new project during the meeting.

Ces prototypes sont présentés comme des produits révolutionnaires.
These prototypes are shown as revolutionary products.

#frenchlesson #beginnerfrench #frenchverbs #learnfrench

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