Last Sundays episode:
The written version of this list:
Switch eShop Games on Sale List:
£0.89 88%
$0.20 97%
0.99 88%
Vsr: void space racing
£0.89 88%
$0.10 98%
0.99 88%
Mars power industries
£0.87 75%
$0.99 75%
€0.99 75%
£1.19 85%
$0.99 90%
€1.34 85%
£2.69 70%
$2.99 70%
€2.99 70%
£5.39 70%
$5.99 70%
€5.99 70%
Pinball fx3 core collection
£2.69 70%
$2.99 70%
€2.99 70%
£4.04 70%
€4.49 70%
Trine 2
£4.58 70%
€5.09 70%
Trine 3
5.39 70%
€5.99 70%
£5.99 50%
$7.49 50%
€7.49 50%
The escapists 2
£3.39 66%
$6.79 66%
€6.79 66%
Miles and kilo
£1.43 80%
$1.59 80%
€1.59 80%
We the revolution
£8.99 50%
$9.99 50%
€9.99 50%
The walking vegetables
£1.49 85%
$1.94 85%
€1.94 85%
Super Mario maker 2
£33.29 33%
€39.99 33%
Puyo puyo Tetris
£10.49 70%
€11.99 70%
Crypt of the necrodancer
£3.59 80%
€3.99 80%
Cat quest
£2.99 70%
$3.89 70%
€3.89 70%
Dark souls
£20.99 40%
€23.99 40%
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
£24.99 50%
$29.99 50%
€29.99 50%
Little nightmares
£11.99 60%
€13.99 60%
£17.99 40%
$17.99 40%
€20.99 40%
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
£22.49 50%
$24.99 50%
€22.49 50%
Invisigun Reloaded
$4.99 75%
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Many thanks from the SwitchWatch team - James, Juan and Jordan