about with
belly fat is that it can lead to some
serious medical problems.
Without question.
yes it can lead From diabetes to various
types of heart disease,
to somehow cancers.
The fat around the
mid-section is very volatile,
so it can create and
contribute to the complexity and the
cascade challenges
with cholesterol and with toxins
and different things like that.
We don't like to look like that,
we don't like to feel like that,
but from an organ perspective
it doesn't
help the organs exist
in a happy place.
So, we really want
to cut that body fat
so that we can be healthier.
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#play a big factor in
#reducing belly fat.
#Far more than
#people give it credit,
#the physical activity
#is the stress.
#Once you get the stress
#you need rest to facilitate
#the positive change
#that you're looking for.
#It's the patterns, the
#patterns that exist
#that allow us to
#look a certain way,