
Understand easily what is Hot and Cold - Heat, Temperature, Senses and Mind

Understand easily what is Hot and Cold - Heat, Temperature, Senses and Mind Helpful for: Class 6/7 Physics - CBSE, ICSE and all State Boards and for preparation in NTSE, Olympiad (Foundation class for IIT JEE and NEET)

We sometimes feel too hot and sometime too cold. Even the seasons are classified in terms of hotness and coolness - i.e. summers for hot and winters for cool. But have you ever wondered what it hot and cool/cold in absolute terms? Also, sometimes some people doesn't feel that hot or that cold - is weather different for different people or is it same, but the people are different? Is it even possible to have two feelings of hotness and coldness at same place, time and zone?

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cbse,ntse,olympiad,hot & cold,hotness,coldness,temperature,iit jee,state board,cbse board,class 6 hot and cold,heat,hot sensation,heating,feeling,

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