
Trees Challenge 2020 - Webinar for Informal Educators

Trees Challenge 2020 - Webinar for Informal Educators To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the 25th anniversary of the GLOBE Program, GLOBE Observer is hosting a month-long citizen science challenge in April 2020. Volunteers are invited to measure the height of as many different trees as possible throughout the month using the Trees tool in the GLOBE Observer app. The individuals, schools, and registered teams that measure the most trees will be recognized as top observers in the Trees Challenge 2020.

We invite our education partners to incorporate the challenge into their Earth Day planning. This webinar introduced a package of resources to support informal educators and GLOBE schools. The package includes information about trees and NASA science, connections to local tree science relevant to your community, ideas about how to manage a Trees challenge, learning activities, and other resources.

List of segments and starting points:

Introduction to Trees Challenge (Kristen Weaver) - starts at 0:00
Why Measure Tree Height? Part 1 (Dr. Nancy Glenn) - starts at 4:08
Why Measure Tree Height? Part 2 (Dr. Amy Neuenschwander) - starts at 10:04
Trees Tool Walkthrough (Brian Campbell) - starts at 14:38
GLOBE Teams Function (Holli Kohl) - starts at 34:39
Toolkit and Resources (Heather Mortimer) - starts at 40:02
Practical Ideas for Implementation at the LaSalle Public Library (Brittany Blomquist) - starts at 52:17

To download the Q&A document from the webinar, as well as presentation files where available, visit

Additional bonus segments not included in the webinar:

Extra: Library Programming with Trees at the Los Angeles Public Library (Vivienne Byrd) -
Extra: More Information About Gratitude Rocks from LaSalle Public Library (Brittany Blomquist) -
Extra: Using GLOBE Observer with Girl Scouts (Tassia Owen) -


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