
State of the Planet 2020 - The extent of the crisis, rate of change and species estension

State of the Planet 2020 - The extent of the crisis, rate of change and species estension State of the Planet 2020 by Dr. George Stone Time Stamp Index of topics and discussion
00:00:00 Julie Enslow, 350 MKE Welcome and Introduction
00:01:15 George Stone, Opening Comments
00:06:53 Greta Thunberg Address to UN General Assembly September 2019
00:08:38 Reality Check
00:08:50 Rapid Chemical Redistribution
00:09:25 World Energy Consumption and Rise in CO2, Methane, Temperature
00:12:54 The rate of change is increasing with weather/climate disasters
00:18:26 Increasing climate risks to health, livelihoods, food, water, Human security, economic growth
00:19:52 COP 25 Madrid 2019
00:21:04 Biodiversity - global extinctions increasing and accelerating
00:27:48 Climate change and extinctions – fight against injustice
00:28:48 Planetary biocide
00:30:56 Scientific community and self-censorship
00:31:53 The way we produce and consume energy
00:32:29 Reassert US environmental leadership
Questions and Discussion
00:38:06 1. What is the Geological Society of America doing about Climate Change?
00:38:58 2. We have only a small sample of the extent of species extension occurring.
00:39:37 3. Can you speak to the use of land in the context of climate Change?
00:43:45 4. I want to suggest a resource:
00:46:24 5. Electricity/batteries versus hydrogens fuel for automobiles.
00:48:15 6. Can we rely on the United Nations? Can we rely on their report?
00:49:11 7. In America the politicians are being bought and sold.
00:49:31 8. Last Thursday it was 65F in Antarctica. The acceleration of climate change is alarming.
00:50:18 9. The Madrid COP5 conference, our government sent people to undermine the proceeding.
00:53:03 10 Livestock industry and greenhouse gas production.
00:55:57 11. Thinking about climate change and human migration, how are we going to deal this?
00:56:47 12. How are we going to get to carbon neutral by 2050?
00:58:45 13. We need to change the corporate model that puts profits over people, Corporations are not people.


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