
Moonscraper Chart Editor v1.3.3.2 (Important notes outlined)

Moonscraper Chart Editor v1.3.3.2 (Important notes outlined) Open note key was changed from key 5/6 to key 0 for the new rebindable controls system. Your muscle memory can thank me later.

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-Added the ability to rebind some controls under Options/Controls. Includes keyboard, gamepad, and joystick rebinding
-Added sfx offset option to calibration menu.
-UI input hints and shortcut listings in drop downs now dynamically change string to represent the current controls.

-Open note toggle key for note tool now shifted onto the '0' key instead of being dynamic.
-config.ini no longer generated in the application directory. Stored in the same directory as the autosave.
This allows user settings to be preserved between different versions of Moonscraper from this version onwards.
-Removed song name text UI. Display song name + chart name in window text instead.
-Allow some tools to operate in play mode if safe to do so.

-Fixed shift-clicking on notes to select the whole chord.
-Fixed chords not being respected when group modifying notes that didn't have the full chord selected.
-Fixed cursor selection box remaining active when hitting play while cursor dragging.
-Fixed timer millisecond value sometimes being incorrect due to rounding errors.
-Step/snap placement now properly relative to the last time signature instead of internal tick layout.
-Fixed inconsistent audio sync during play mode. Calibration has now changed.
-Blocked some shortcuts from being active in states where if called, would have caused issues.
-Fixed offset inputfield not adhearing to culture correction.
-Fixed preemptive auto-undoing (i.e. deleting) when bpm label was set completely empty after said bpm was just placed.
-SFX triggers now synced to actual audio instead of game position.
-Fixed some song streams starting playback slightly out of sync the more stems we tried to play simultaneously.
-Fixed some notes being visually incorrect when undoing or redoing that results in a delete action.
-Fixed application failing to load when application is placed under a write-protected directory
-Fixed audio failing to initialise on audio hardware that doesn't support wasapi. Default to Direct Sound if initialisation fails the first time.
-Fixed false-positive equality bug between events and sections when they have the same text
-Fixed tools sometimes disappearing towards the end of a chart that has lots of BPM changes. Some flickering may still occur.
-No longer scaling object snapping based on time signature denominator.
-Fixed hitting shift to select chord input being broken.
-Fixed section inputs breaking when multiple characters keys were pressed in the same frame.
-Further event equality fix to stop global events randomly undoing and disappearing.


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