Medicine Creek Farms map by No Creek Farms can be found on there Facebook page @
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👍Many Thanks To My Channel Members for the Support:
Andrew Asche, Robson Oliveira, EarthHunt3r, DeAnn Harring, ROGUE COBRA, Applestan, Stevie 4K Gaming, Brian Cook, LS Ricci, Jim Hope, James Macdonald, Justin
🔴 FS19 Medicine Creek Timelapse Playlist:
🎼Music used under license from Epidemic Sound
Get access to over 30,000 music tracks to use in your videos here:
Music by
▶ 1. 00:00 Malena Stark: Loved you for a lifetime (Instrumental)
▶ 2. 03:35 Wildflowers feat. Easton: Crazy for you
▶ 3. 06:55 Yara Meyers feat. Nathalie Hedin: Lower down the bridge
▶ 4. 10:13 Wildflowers: shed a little light (Instrumental)
▶ 5. 13:19 Malena stark feat. Mia Niles: A little bit of faith
For more Epidemic Sound music :
🔵Support The Channel :
Many Thanks To My Channel Members for the Support:
Andrew Asche, Robson Oliveira, EarthHunt3r, DeAnn Harring, ROGUE COBRA, Applestan, Stevie 4K Gaming, Brian Cook, LS Ricci, Jim Hope, James MacDonald
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