
How to Get the Most out of Networking Events

How to Get the Most out of Networking Events ✅Read about it here ➜

Successful networking is a two-way street. Naturally, networking is an activity that’s rooted in self-interest. You want to meet people who might hire you, bolster your career or move you closer to your professional goals. Remove the self-interest and you’re just making friends (also a valuable and important activity, but not one that’s guaranteed to benefit your working life).

Attending networking events and conferences is a great way to learn about new technology and gather tips for making the most out of your business. If you’re not using these events as a brand-building opportunity, you’re only getting half of the value for your money.

Yet networking efforts that are solely driven by a desire to get something can feel harsh, selfish and grating. If a mutual friend introduces you to a potential connection, and you do nothing but ask advice and demand favors, that connection won’t last. No one wants to feel used. Balance that desire with a willingness to give something and your overtures will be more effective and well-received. In fact, one of the best ways to secure an introduction or cement a connection is to offer one up yourself. But how can you do that gracefully and efficiently?

Here are some networking basics that will help you along the way:

Before the event

Make a list of the speakers you want to connect with. Start following and engaging with them on Twitter and LinkedIn leading up to the conference. Once you register for an event, take a look at the posted speakers and their session schedule. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Follow the event hashtag. Every conference has two experiences happening simultaneously. The in-person event and the conversation happening on social media. Take advantage of both. Add the event hashtag to your profile leading up to and during the conference. This makes it easy for other attendees who are following the conference hashtag to find and follow you.

During the event

Make it easy for others to connect with you. Show off your event badge and a statement about looking forward to meeting new connections. Taking selfies will help people to see what you look like that day. Doing this makes others more likely to approach you even though you’ve never met.

Share great quotes and slides from sessions. Since you’ve already done your homework with the speakers you want to hear and you’re following them on social media, tweet photos of them on stage, photos of their slides, and quotes from their session. Then tag the speaker in the tweet and use the event hashtag as well. As a speaker, there’s no better feeling than replying to tweets from the audience after a session.

After the event

Keep the conversation going. The week following an event, tweet a thank you to speakers that really stood out and had an impact on you. Conferences can feel like organized chaos at times, so waiting a few days to engage with people you met is a great way to make sure you have their full attention.

Turn session notes into blog posts. Take the photos and notes you took during the sessions to write a recap of the session or highlight how you’re incorporating something you learned at the conference. This is a fantastic way to set yourself and your blog up as a valuable contributor to the community you’re a member of. Sharing your personal knowledge is the best way to establish yourself.

Make connections that foster a pay-it-forward mindset. Show your colleagues that giving is as good as getting. With all of these networking basics at your disposal, you’ll have more opportunities to make meaningful connections.

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