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Learn more habits for getting lean and to 10% body fat
About the video:
Falling off track with your diet is not a matter of if it's going to happen. It's a matter of when. To stay on track consistently is fundamentally the hardest part about losing body fat. One of the biggest issues with getting back on track with dieting for most people is that one slip up over the weekend or a holiday becomes many weeks or even months of binges and gaining weight.
A lot of mental struggles come with the binges, and with the overeating as we experience the loss of momentum. Instead of building new healthy habits for getting lean and staying lean, old unhealthy habits resurface in this moment of weakness and start taking over. We can even end up in a position where we don't even care anymore about getting leaner.
In this video, you'll learn how to get back on track with dieting and the 3 steps that you need to take to get back on track fast without losing progress. These are lessons I wish someone told me earlier on my fitness journey when I would make mistakes with my diet, and I hope they help you on your journey to getting a lean physique.
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About Me:
My name is Mario Tomic. I specialize in helping busy entrepreneurs and professionals take their physique to the next level so they can perform at their best.
Since 2011, I've spent over 10 000 hours practicing, studying, and coaching fitness, nutrition, and high performance.
Most people don't know that my native language is Croatian and that I worked in computer science before I started my fitness and personal development coaching company.
#lowbodyfat #fatloss #fitness