This is also a warning to my enemies don’t be stupid and get yourselves in trouble with attempting to commit a cybercrime or an international cybercrime against me, since you have already implicated yourselves in wanting to commit one, while in the USA we have the FBI and Homeland Security there are International Law Enforcement Agencies who are also able to arrest and prosecute people who attempt it.
I suggest you devote your energies to something more productive helpful if you truly wish to call yourselves a lock sport community.
Being petty, childish and malicious isn’t going to get you far, and to commit criminal actions will only lead you to jail than prison for a very long time, I’m quite certain your wife, children and other loved ones wouldn’t want to see you locked up so be smart and don’t lose your freedom, and prison is not a nice place just watch any show that goes inside them.
Committing a cyber crime and getting caught, and than being arrested well they will take away all your computer equipment including that of your wife’s, they might even take your lock picking tools and likely any weapons and firearms you own since your act would be a felony and convicted felons are prohibited from owning a firearm.
So let that sink in and reflect upon it, think hard upon it and than ask yourself is it truly worth losing your freedom, is it worth having others who also aided you go to jail over?
If your answer is yes than you are a fool.
For those who actually wish to talk to me email is Belmontclanlastson@gmail.com