
A Valentine from Alyce King 'The Folks Who Live On The Hill'

A Valentine from Alyce King 'The Folks Who Live On The Hill' When mom was putting a song list together for her solo album in the late 60s she asked me if I had a tune I'd like her to sing on it. Without hesitation, and mind you I'm about 12 years old, I said: "The Folks Who Live On The Hill". She sang it on our show in 1965 and I remember standing off stage at the age of 7 with tears in my eyes because of the bittersweet (to me) lyrics exquisitely penned by Oscar Hammerstein II (Jerome Kerns wrote the melody). Even as a small child I was acutely aware that nothing lasts forever. 'The Poet' in me perhaps?

When she sings "...and when the kids grow up and leave us... Darby and Joan who used to be Jack and Jill", no song encapsulates better that sentiment of the inevitable change which comes to every family. For those of you that have her album, you'll notice she takes the tempo a bit slower and the orchestration is a bit simpler which I prefer. She was my first Valentine, as many mothers were, and are to their kids. So picture me sending this to all of you on a heart made of pink construction paper (cut while folded in half so that its shape was perfect) and pasted on a white paper doily. Happy Valentine's Day, from mom and me...


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