
7 (Counterintuitive) Sales Tips To Build Rapport With Customers

7 (Counterintuitive) Sales Tips To Build Rapport With Customers Be sure to download Marc's incredible e-book on "25 Tips to Crush Your Sales Goal!" Just go here to get the e-book instantly:

The more rapport you build with a customer or a prospect, the more likely they're going to be eager to engage in that conversation, and the less likely they are to treat you like just another vendor. So in this video, I'm going to show you seven counterintuitive tips to build rapport with your customers. Check it out.

Tips to build rapport with customers #1: stop pitching them.

We've got to stop pitching people all the time, and instead, flip the script to focus on them, to understand what they care about and what matters. That way, when it comes time to present a solution, we're not just pitching them on something. Still, instead, we're offering a solution to their problems, which they're going to be much more interested to see. So the second we stop pitching, immediately we start to improve that rapport-building process. Because if they feel like you're sales-y, and you're like the guy or the sales gal that's always pitching, they're not going to feel great about you.

Tips to build rapport with customers #2: research everything you can.

The more you know about your prospects, the more they're going to feel that sense of rapport with you. If you walk into a meeting, and you know every detail about your prospect, about their company, about their challenges, about what they tweeted last week, or what they mentioned on that LinkedIn group, they're going to say, wow, this person does their homework. They're immediately going to feel more positive towards you.

Tips to build rapport with customers #3: engage with insight.

When we're engaging in conversations by using insight, we are immediately setting ourselves apart from the hoards of salespeople who are focused on the benefits and the features of their products. Instead, by starting the conversation around insight around their world, now we're demonstrating that we are an expert.

Tips to build rapport with customers #4: learn about their challenges.

We're going to first start by engaging by presenting some very quick pieces of insight, and then we're going to use that insight to then engage them in that conversation around their challenges. When people feel like we're interested in them, rapport goes way up. Instead of being the salesperson who's just pitching, pitching, pitching, trying to sell all the time, we're focused on them. You don't have to be enthusiastic. You don't have to be high energy. Just focus on them.

Tips to build rapport with customers #5: mirror them.

When a prospect says something important, we want to mirror the last few words that they said. So we're repeating back to them the last few words that they said. What this does is twofold. One is it's showing that you're actively listening. You're focused on what they're saying. And so they just said everything's changing in our industry, and so you're acknowledging that you understood and that you heard it, and then you're prompting them to continue.

Tips to build rapport with customers #6: label their experience.

This is a similar piece to mirroring, but instead, we're going to be essentially labeling what they are probably feeling as a result of what they've said. When you label, you might say something like it sounds like things have been crazy at your organization lately prompting them to say, yeah, it's just been wild, right? And so we're labeling what they're likely feeling or what they're experiencing, and that is going to show that we've been focused on what they've said. That's how rapport goes way up.

Tips to build rapport with customers #7: present only to their challenges.

If you have done your job during the discovery conversation to understand what they care about, what they really need, and what the challenges that are most pressing to them, then you can present only to the challenges that they've mentioned, you're only going to focus on the part of your offering that solves those challenges when you are presenting only to their challenges, now what you're saying is I understand what you've told me.

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