
What's Wrong with 'Virtue Signaling'? By Ben Bayer

What's Wrong with 'Virtue Signaling'? By Ben Bayer Tune in today at 11am PT for Ben Bayer's webinar "What's Wrong with 'Virtue Signaling'?"

Think about celebrities who tweet about their politics all the time, or think about companies who want you to buy their products because they’re supposedly eco-friendly. Some say that these are symptoms of an epidemic that’s coursing it’s way through social media and through our political discourse generally, an epidemic they call “virtue signalling”.

Ben Bayer, a fellow at The Ayn Rand Institute, has some questions about this. You’re said to be a virtue signaller when you promote some cause or criticize some figure people love to hate in a way that doesn’t involve much cost, but which draws attention to your own right way of thinking.

What, if anything, is wrong with this kind of behavior? Is there a kind of behavior here at all or do the critics of virtue signalling lump together lots of different things? Is speaking out ineffective only because it’s speaking? Does profiting from the judgment of others make you insincere?

Join Ben Bayer to explore the question: What’s wrong with “virtue signalling”?

ayn rand,virtue signaling,ethics,morality,

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