
Technology is going to put you out of business if you don't adapt to the changes happening.

Technology is going to put you out of business if you don't adapt to the changes happening. In 1997, Jeff Bezos did an interview where he talked about it being the Kitty Hawk stage or day one of the internet.

22 years later, Jeff Bezos, is the richest man on the planet (well he’s in a dogfight with Bill Gates), and I doubt that at that time when he did that interview, he thought that he was going to be where he is today.
I'm 42 years old, and when I was in high school, we had a beeper, and then I had my first Blackberry, and now, today, Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus, which has amazing computing power.

Look at what has happened from 22 years ago and the speed at which things happen now.

If you talk to your grandparents about things that they did when they were young, and then, even your father or your mother how things advanced in their youth, and then you compare it to your youth, and then now I have a seven-year-old daughter and I look at her youth.

Kids are growing up exposed to computers, and smartphones, and the internet, my daughter has had an iPad basically since she was born.
How quickly things changed.

So, if you look at my grandfather, my mother, and then my generation, and now my daughter's generation, and the speed at which things are happening

I think it's important for everyone to pay attention on how much that's been compressed, and how much that will continue to be compressed.

What's important is you have to pay attention to what's going on around you and how you need to change with things.

People need to pay attention to trends and to what's going on in their industry, and you'll quickly realize that things change much faster than they ever have.

Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality they're coming, it's going to happen.

We're going to see some really cool things.

But I think short term, people need to really look at where we're at today and where they're going to be not five or 10 years, but 18 and 24 months.

I think most people are really living too much in the now and not trying to project what's going on in the near future.

Pay attention to what's going on around you.

If you're a business owner and you want to be here in 10 years, what are you doing to make sure you're going to be here in 10 years.

Or maybe you're working with a firm that has some outdated things going on or some old-school mentalities that are embedded in that organization.

Either you're going to go in there and make some changes and help that organization thrive, or you're going to take off, and you're going to go somewhere where you can grow and thrive.

The agency owners that are out here that are not paying attention to the short term right now and how they can make changes and grow,
they're not going to be here in five years.

That's a harsh reality. So, pay attention.

evolution of business,technology,digital business generation,how to make money,rise of the robots,business marketing,business insider,business,technology (industry),how to adapt to changes in a business environment,change,changes in business,small business,business transformation,adapt business,adapt your business,adapt,adapt to change,technology innovation,finance and business,global business model,adapting business,Frank Mengert,Jeff Bezos,

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