
Path of Exile - Extensive Guide to 'Hunter' Items - Conquerors of the Atlas Crafting

Path of Exile - Extensive Guide to 'Hunter' Items - Conquerors of the Atlas Crafting This is the third in a series of videos looking at the four new influence types, dissecting the most promising new mods.

Part 1 (Redeemer):
Part 2 (Crusader):

It's in podcast format - you should be able to watch this minimized.

- Drops from Al-Hezmin - always drops one, often two.
- Drops from monsters in Hunter-influenced maps.
- Using a Crusader Exalt on a 0-influence rare item with 5 or fewer mods.
- Using an Awakener Orb on a 1-influence rare item. This requires a sacrificial Crusader item of an undesired base, e.g. a Hunter ilvl 81 Amethyst Ring could be sacrificed to turn an ilvl 86 Shaper Opal Ring into an ilvl 86 Shaper And Hunter Opal Ring.

VERY powerful mod pool.
Pierce: Actively bad for some builds as it interferes with forks and chains. However objectively powerful on builds that can use it.
Movespeed: Great.
Phys Leech: Works on spells so may have a niche - Blade Vortex etc
+1 gem levels: All very good. Usually used with Awakener Orbs to double up e.g. +1 Int from Hunter, +1 Lightning from Crusader to get +2 to Arc. Note - this is skill gems only not supports.
Ele Pen: Numbers not high enough to be great.

DOT Multi: Very strong in the right niche. Comes up a lot because there's 8 different mods here.
Life Regen: Only good on Marble Amulets
Reduced Malevolence Reservation: OK if you want to reserve auras adding to 100%.
Random Charge On Kill - Tier 1 is excellent. Tier 2 will fall off more.
Reduced Attribute Requirements - Bad. +30 all stats does much more.

Weaker mod pool.
WARNING: XP mod is ultra ultra rare just as it was on Shaper items.
The main mod of note here is the two curses on hit for most builds. The poison mod is good too but very niche.
Anti-reflect is niche but the numbers are high enough possibly.

Max life best prefix. Increased Attributes suffix excellent too.
Most other mods are underwhelming. Armour penetration is solid on pure physical builds.

These are incredible.
Intim or Unnerve On Hit: Can be 10% more damage. Not as rare as other ultra chase mods.
Strike Skills Target One More Enemy: Absurdly good. Surprisingly doesn't have an attack tag, so not affected by Serrated Fossils.
Impale Chance: Weak.
VERY STRONG OPTION: Consider buying a set of good Incursion gloves that are ilvl 85+ and have 2 prefixes and 2-3 suffixes. Craft a suffix if needed, then Hunter Exalt. Very good potential high end outcomes.
% Dex has its uses on the suffix side as does DOT multi, and even the mana gain on hit can do useful things sometimes.

All about 2 mods with an OK 3rd one.
% Increased Strength is niche but best in slot for some builds.
Tailwind is an extreme power item
Faster DOTs is again solid but very niche.

Not impressed in general.

Life% is a major pull to going Elder on chests, Hunter gets it too, it's just as good here
%Phys taken as chaos is niche but very potent on Chaos Inoculation builds. Huge opportunity cost to this mod as you can't get flat ES and % ES and hybrid ES all together with it, but might be good enough
+1 curse extremely strong as always
Flat crit suffixes are excellent. Both options.
Offering effect niche but good.
Both regen mods underwhelming.

Generally underwhelming.
Almost all of them do support chaos damage. Between Malicious from the normal mod pools and the Hunter exclusive chaos mods, there's potential to really scale chaos damage on attacks. Poison builds might consider this. As all weapons seem similar, use claws as they are the best weapon.
Most Str-requirement weapons (e.g. Sceptres) have "Adds fire damage to attacks with this weapon per 10 Strength". Likewise most Int requirement weapons have "Lightning damage per 10 Int". Objectively strong if harder to use than Dex to Cold.
The Cold per Dex is also a Hunter mod and is the traditional good version of these. However, as a whole package, I believe Shaper bows are far superior to Hunter ones.

Pierce already discussed. Niche.
Max chaos resist - 1% is too low to matter.
Movespeed - strong
DOT multi - solid but niche. You will know if you want these.

+maxres: Both universal and +2% chaos res are pretty solid.
Life - Good as always.
Suffixes, OTOH, all pretty bad.
If Hunter Exalts become cheaper might consider seeking good 2 prefix 3 suffix shields and Hunter Slamming.

PathOfExile,Crafting,Path of Exile,Conquerors of the Atlas,3.9,Hunter,Melee,Poison,Damage Over Time,DoT,DoT multi,Stat Stacking,

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