In the near future, Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves), a young computer programmer who lives in a dark cubicle, is plagued by strange nightmares to which he is connected by cables and against his will, in an immense computer system of the future . On all of these occasions, you wake up screaming at the very moment the electrodes are about to penetrate your brain. As the dream recurs, Anderson begins to have doubts about reality. Through the encounter with the mysterious Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), Thomas discovers that he is, like other people, a victim of the Matrix, an intelligent and artificial system that manipulates people's minds, creating the illusion of a real world while using individuals' brains and bodies to produce energy. Morpheus, however, is convinced that Thomas is Neo, the long-awaited messiah capable of facing the Matrix and leading people back to reality and freedom.