
How To Specifically Regrow The Enamel On The Teeth

How To Specifically Regrow The Enamel On The Teeth - Read My Blog - Tell Others - Restore Jerusalem.

This will be a quick video. I wanted to get into the details of how to regrow the enamel on the teeth and avoid unnecessary bone mutilating procedures such as root canals and explain (briefly) why and how to make it so these issues never appear in the first place and if they appear such as they have for me from times of struggle, how to then repair your teeth over a period of 3-12 months naturally, without any invasive surgery.

Obviously, talk to a holistic dentist about this. They will most likely agree with some of it, or all of it, then make suggestions on how to do things in a better way for your personal biology as they know you better and obviously specialize in this kind of information.


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