
How To Increase Platelet Count in Blood Naturally | Beneficial Foods | Foods To Avoid

How To Increase Platelet Count in Blood Naturally | Beneficial Foods | Foods To Avoid IN this video I’m going to show you How to increase platelet count naturally in the body through Eating certain foods, and which foods to avoid
The more you learn about the human body, the more you realise just how incredible it is. Every minor part of our bodies has a function, and often works in tandem with other body parts to create a system that ultimately keeps us alive. We’ve been perfectly designed for everything we do, and if any part of this design is altered, we’ll likely suffer for it.
One of the very small things that our bodies couldn’t live without are platelets. You’ve probably heard of them before – the tiny cells found in our blood which bind together when we damage our blood vessels. An easy example of platelets getting to work is if you were to cut yourself. The damaged blood vessel would send out a signal which would trigger a response from your platelets. They’d kick into action and bind to the damaged blood vessel, creating a clot and putting a stop to the bleeding.
Although we’re all different in the exact number of platelets we have in our blood, generally, the standard platelet count ranges from 150 thousand to 450 thousand platelets per microliter of blood – which is quite a lot! If you’ve been found to have less than 150 thousand in a routine blood test, you’ve most likely been diagnosed with a medical condition causing this.
When you don’t have enough platelets in your blood, you might find that you bleed frequently and bruise easily. This is usually caused by another illness, disease or disorder, like cancer, chemotherapy or a kidney infection. You might also experience a dip in your platelets from drinking too much alcohol or from taking certain medications.
It’s important that you increase your platelet count through medication if you’ve been diagnosed with a serious case. Left untreated, it can lead to severe cases of bleeding, including internal bleeding and bleeding of the brain. As well as treating your condition with medication, you can also take the steps to increase your platelet count naturally. Here are some of the most effective ways to do so through diet alone:
No 1 Raisins
When it comes to raisins, the world is divided – are they delicious, or just horrible mistaken chocolate chips in a cookie? Either way, the high iron content found in raisins make them a great food for naturally increasing your blood platelet count. Whether you choose to eat raisins as a snack on their own, sprinkled on top of yogurt, or added to your morning oatmeal, you’ll benefit massively from including raisins in your diet.
No 2 Pomegranate
We’ve respected and appreciated pomegranate for many years now, thanks to its endless range of medicinal properties. The tasty fruit is packed full of nutrients like vitamin C – which is essential for increasing platelet count – as well as minerals like iron, and antioxidants. These key nutrients are effective in improving the immune system, and increasing platelet count as a result. It doesn’t matter how you’re consuming pomegranate – whether raw or in juice form – as long as you take it in regularly, it’ll prove very helpful in maintaining your overall health.
No 3 Foods Containing Vitamin K
We don’t expect you to know which foods contain vitamin K off the top of your head, but luckily, they’re common enough that you’re probably eating them already. Kale, celery, cabbage, parsley, basil, mustard, okra, spinach, broccoli, and asparagus are all fantastic sources of Vitamin K. We need vitamin K for a number of reasons, but particularly because it naturally increases platelets and helps with blood clotting, as proven in a number of recent studies.
No 4 Lean Meats
We simply wouldn’t be able to survive without proteins – our bodies are essentially made up of them, and we need them to keep our muscles, joints and bones strong. Lean meats like chicken, fish and turkey are an excellent source protein, as well as vitamin B12 and zinc. We don’t produce vitamin B12 naturally, so it’s essential that we take it in from our diets, especially when a B12 deficiency has been linked to low platelet count. Zinc has been found in studies to improve the functioning of platelets, making it another important nutrient.
No 5 Garlic
Surprise surprise, garlic once again proves that its beneficial health properties are nothing short of endless. It’s been proven to be of the best foods to increase platelets, thanks to its strong antioxidant properties and ability to effectively purify blood and boost platelet count. One study even found that garlic can prevent cardiovascular disease because of its benefits to the blood.

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