
How to ensure energy and longevity

How to ensure energy and longevity There can be no denying that good health is paramount to a great life.

It gives us energy allowing us to experience life to the fullest. So how do we ensure that we stay healthy as we inevitably age?

When you are young, most people can get away with living a pretty unhealthy lifestyle and still keep in relatively good shape and have lots of energy.

But as you age and life’s priorities shift due to work commitments, family commitments and everything else that life throws at you, it is easy to let your health slip.

What we don’t want is to deteriorate as we head towards old age and then pay the ultimate price.

This has been brought home to me in the past few months with a number of friends and relatives reaching that state of no return.

I’m sure they would do anything, I mean anything, to live life again and make better health choices when they were younger.

I do hope that you are in the lucky position where you can choose what is best for your longevity and quality of your life.

I would like you to consider the health choices that you are currently making and make sure that they are serving you well.

If not, I suggest that you might want to reconsider and make some better choices, especially now at the start of a new year.

I am certainly not trying to be preachy, but it saddens me that so many people make terrible health choices that will inevitably cause a lot of pain and regret in later years.

And by then, it may be too late to make the necessary changes.

So have a think about any bad health choices you are making, and I would expect that you know which ones they are, and consider replacing them with a good health choice.

Just pick the one that you know is the worst and start there. If you try to completely change your habits by tackling 2 or more at the same time, your chances of success will be drastically reduced.

Choose which one is having the most detrimental effect on your health and stop now. Not tomorrow. NOW.

I saw a YouTube video with a guy that had always had issues with binge eating. He tried to cure it by finding the psychological root cause of his issue.

Unfortunately, although he did find the root cause, it did not prevent him from binge eating.

What did fix it for him though was that he realised that it was his choice. Not the cravings his body was signaling to him, not the voice inside his head that kept tempting him, but HIS choice.

He could make the decision that binge eating made him overweight, made him feel lethargic, and was ultimately reducing the quality of his life now and for the future.

So he chose to STOP.

And he’s stuck by that ever since.

I was amazed at how simple this sounded but it worked for me also (so far 🤞)

I have a sweet tooth and often enjoy chocolate after meals. And I would sometimes eat way too much.

But with the belief that it was making me overweight and not doing my arteries any good, I have chosen to stop. So far, so good. Even through Christmas and New Year celebrations.

This is your life. You will only get one crack at it so for the sake of yourself and the loved ones around you, make good health choices.


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