Watch live Tu,W,Th,Fr,Sa 7-11pm ET (
Date: 2020-01-15
Virtual Tour: Roaring Twenties (named by DuelElite1)
Virtual Venue: Existential Crisis Center (named by chugernaught23)
Song Title: Glassy Thoughts in a Hectic Mind (named by barbonfire)
ETC KID: Keyboards and Trombone
Full show (with talking):
Song in context of full show:
Playlist of songs from show:
Note: The following requests served as a starting point for the improvisation. Kid will often change keys and modes and occasionally the bpm as the song evolves. Sometimes Kid forgets one of the requests and sometimes the onscreen credits are not accurate.
(requester in parentheses)
BPM: 115.20 (allegra029)
Key: F (QuarterSquareX)
Mode: Lydian (Domdude64)
Drum loops: (Phil_A), (TsiSport)
Melody: (polychromaticNavelFluff)
Drumkit: Thunder at the Gates [BNI] (PierreW_de)
Sounds: Table Bells [UQE] (chugernaught23), Glass Pluck [EM] (GDBiLL), Breathing Hollow Bass [TCE] (Nateydoom), Nylon Fingered Guitar [EHE] (Black_Hawk_Down883), Big Tooth Bass [DK] (ElectricBlue7331), ZUG [ZUG] (mathsocks)
Drum fills: 'Colors_Megs' (dugDbug), (Domdude64), 'Irritate_Kid_This_Template' (mutants_molded_my_morals), 'Consistency_Pops_Under_Underdog' (mutants_molded_my_morals), 'VeronicaWylie' (QuarterSquareX), (Oddbear82), (TsiSport), (Nateydoom), (Black_Hawk_Down883), 'What'd_I_miss' (ElectricBlue7331)
Light show(s) incorporated visuals and effects from the following sources/creators:
VideoBlocks, Cycling '74 (Rhythmized by ETC), Volumetricks, beeple, ETC KID, Switzon S. Wigfall, III, Vj Catmac, and Mantissa