
Asian Association of Open Universities: Silencing and Excluding Critics to Hide Corruption

Asian Association of Open Universities: Silencing and Excluding Critics to Hide Corruption It was really hard even suicidal, but it was my responsibility to aware authorities and public with evidence that what is Digital Collar Corruption, Virtual Collar Corruption, and how the Virtual University of Pakistan is digitizing Educational Terrorism and Intellectual Dishonesty.
I paid an unbearable price and made exceptional sacrifices; my friends and family are concerned about my life safety and security after revealing all these criminalities.
But life is not in my hands but speaking the truth, standing for the right and exposing culprits is my duty. I contributed my part and it is your turn to clean the system for the betterment of the nation.

Allah Almighty Bless the Federation of Pakistan

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Tahir Ramzan

Virtual University,VU,VUP,Prime Minister,PCP,Pakistan Citizen Portal,Citizen Portal,Corruption Exposed,Imran Khan,Tahir Ramzan,Data Manipulation,Record Tempering,Educational Terrorism,Intellectual Dishonesty,Pakistan,

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