
Are you selling or are you gambling

Are you selling or are you gambling Your current way of asking for referrals is likely to be causing a lot of distress for your customers. And chances are you are simply gambling for a sale. This video will explain why. Watch till the end to get access to a special report I put together: 21 creative sales ideas to help you close strong in Q4.


Speaker 1: Hey [inaudible] so are you happy with what I've done for you?

Speaker 2: Yes very.

Speaker 1: Yay. So as you know I have business actually based on referrals. So it would really mean a lot to me if you can do me a big favor. Well if you can, would you be able to refer your family, your friends, your ex boyfriends to me for business?

Speaker 2: [00:00:24 foreign language]

Speaker 1: Oh okay.

Speaker 2: Sorry.

Speaker 1: Oh that's okay.

Speaker 2: No.

Speaker 1: Asking for a referral these days, can sometime feel like you're gambling for a sale. There's no guarantee. And here's why. You're betting that your customers have good relationships with their friends and colleagues. You're betting that a prospect you get referred to do not have a financial advisor taking care of them. You're also betting that a prospect, you get referred to need your help at the moment of your call. Perhaps this is why you are not getting as many referrals as you used to and a quality of your referrals have also dropped significantly. And even if you do get a referral, calling the person will still feel like a cold call because the person doesn't know you well, hasn't like you yet. And I have no clue about how you can help him or her, which is why they'll probably just tell you, sorry, I'm busy now. I'll call you if I need you.

This is why I tell my inner circle all the time that they need to change the way they ask for a referral. Best way to get a referral these days is to teach. Either answering a burning question by your customer or clarifying a misconception relating to the area of expertise. Now you can do that either in a form of an article or you can do that in a form of a video and all you need to do is send that article or send that video to your customers. And get them to share that teaching content with their friends and colleagues. But because the teaching content is packed with immediate value, your customers would be more willing to share. This is why my mentees can get such phenomenal results from this new strategy. One mentee of mine, she got two quality referrals immediately after sharing a teaching content.

The next day she closed the sale from that referral and she got herself another referral. Another mentee of mine tried this strategy for a year and generated four times more referrals than the year before. Today, just because you are the advisor to your customer doesn't automatically make his or her friends want you as their advisor, you need to first deliver value as your entry ticket to a possible sale.

This is why getting your customers to share your teaching content is a great way to help get referrals because number one, it increases your customer's status where they share high value content to their friends. And number two, it demonstrates your expertise, which will increase your chances of getting quality referrals. And by quality, I mean they genuinely want to meet you because of you and not because the customer asked them to.

Now, if you like what I shared with you so far, you're going to love this latest ebook I've created just for you. Its title "21 Creative Sales Ideas to Help You Close Strong in 2018" And that is what this video is based on. So to get immediate access come at me right now and just want to let you know there are a few hoops that you need to jump. But the effort's going to be well worth your while when you're get access. To this doing one creative ideas that's going to help you sell more and sell easily in your last quarter.


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