
Abandoned House of Music in England - Music instruments left inside

Abandoned House of Music in England - Music instruments left inside We're just students! Help us to explore more of these places with a few dollars ► or support us through a one-time donation on PayPal:

In seek of abandoned places in England, this is the first place we found. The House of Music was an old school house where a music teacher named Miss Noel lived. The house features numerous music instruments left inside: two pianos, a cello, several recorders and various other pieces we're unsure of. What is known of the family is that Miss Noel had two children, a girl and a boy. It is believed the girl has passed away. She had Down syndrome but photos in the house indicate she thankfully lived to an older age. The boy is believed to be alive according to locals. This once was a happy and musical home, now it is left to dust and decay.


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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES).

Abandoned England: Abandoned House of Music in England - Music instruments left inside (ABANDONED UK)

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