
5 Back Pain Devices You Can Use At Home

5 Back Pain Devices You Can Use At Home 5 Back Pain Devices You Can Use At Home

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In this video, I will talk about 5 Back Pain Devices that you can use at home.

When you’re living with back pain, it can sometimes feel like your pain is in control.

By eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and following your pain doctor’s advice, you can reduce your back pain and regain control over your life.

Sometimes, however, healthy lifestyle changes aren’t enough to completely control your back pain.

At-home back pain devices offer a drug-free way to reduce your back pain when you most need relief.

Here are 5 types of at-home back pain devices that might work for you.

1. Thermal back pain devices.

These back-pain devices allow you to use temperature (either hot or cold) to manage your pain.

Heat therapy has been clinically shown to work well for back pain, but if cold therapy works better for you, that’s all that matters.

Your physician might also be able to tell you whether hot or cold thermal therapy would work better for your condition.

Any basic heating pad or ice pack will do the trick, but this compression back wrap might help if you find yourself using thermal therapy on a regular basis.

The wrap helps it stay in place. It also has an adjustable compression function to help the thermal therapy really penetrate your sore muscles.
If you prefer cold thermal therapy, another option is the use of Physicool bandages. Quick-evaporating alcohol is incorporated into the bandages.

When put next to the skin, body heat triggers the evaporation, which draws out the heat.

Also, Physicool bandages can be applied anywhere you need them, from the back to the knees to the neck.

2. Massage tools.

Massage is a great way to get relief from back pain.

In fact, a study conducted by the Group Health Research Institute showed that massage therapy is indeed an effective way of reducing back pain.

Getting a massage from a professional therapist is always great, but it can be expensive and time-consuming.

One of these options is the Theracane.

This specially-curved device for back pain allows you to massage your own back, similar to the way a back scratcher lets you scratch your back.

If you prefer to let the massager do the work, a hand-held massager might be a better choice.

3. Supportive pillows for back pain.

Pillows might be one of the simplest ways to reduce back pain.

If you’re a side sleeper and want some extra support, body pillows might help a lot.

For instance, this U-shaped body pillow can give you support on both sides; it’s even part of Amazon’s suggested baby registry since it’s great for pregnant women dealing with back pain.

If you’re a back sleeper, this contour wedge system might work wonders for you.

4. Back stretcher devices.

Stretchers and traction devices can also help with your back pain when used correctly.

However, if used incorrectly, these types of at-home products can also potentially worsen existing back pain or create new pain.

If you have any doubts or questions, ask your physician before beginning use.
When used properly, simple devices like Back Magic Plus can help stretch and realign your back.

For something a little more robust, a standing back stretcher could help you stretch and realign your back.

5. Acupressure mats.

These techniques have proven their worth as methods of pain control.

One study even found that acupressure can reduce back pain and disability more effectively than physical therapy in some cases.

An acupressure mat can allow you to achieve the same pain relief from home.

This acupressure mat even has a pillow that can be used to support your head or your lower back.

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