In this video I will give you a detailed overview of my Financial Services Background. My goal here is to let you know a little more about me, and to let you know that my videos are based on a strong background in Financial Services, not just some guys opinion. I am a very pragmatic guy and an independent thinker. I read, study and research constantly. I am always looking for the truth in a situation, regardless! I just want the facts. If I can get the facts, I can make good decisions. I like charts and data, as they are based on facts, not someone's opinion. Money, Finance and the Stock Market are important to all of us, whether someone wants to embrace and admit that fact, or not. My goal is to give you the best information possible at all times. I don't rely on long held beliefs about anything. Doing things the way they have always been done "just because", is a recipe for financial disaster! Much has changed over the last two decades. To succeed as an Investor, Trader or Business-person going forward, we must be addressing the reality of NOW, not just relying on what has "always worked". Things change, and THINGS HAVE CHANGED! Let me give you an example.....High quality bonds will not be able to protect the equity portion of a portfolio going forward like they have in the past. Governments and Central Banks around the World have distorted the bond market to such an extent that I believe THE BOND MARKET IS THE BIGGEST GLOBAL FINANCIAL RISK GOING FORWARD! I hope I am wrong about that. However, do not dismiss my sentiment about the bond market, as it could be disastrous to your financial health.....if I am even close to being correct about the potential magnitude of the problem! I look forward to working with you for many years to come. Rodney E. Constable
#rodneyconstable #simplemarketsignals
Rodney E. Constable,Rodney,Rodney Constable,Constable,Simple Market Signals,Stock Market,Bonds,Stock Market for,stock market for beginners,Stocks,Success,Motivation,Wealth,Financial Services,Money,